Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back on Track

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.
Galatians 5:7-8

Are you hearing yourself saying, “I need to get back on track?” It might be that your summer was so much fun that routines and schedules were the last thing on your mind. Or it could be that your summer was so stressful that you got off track. No matter what the last three months have looked like for you and me, we all are aware that the holidays are only three months away and we are feeling the need to get back on track.

This is a wonderful month for getting back on track. School has started back and if you have children in school, you have nine months of routine ahead. Nine months to gain the balance we so desperately need.

How do we get back on track? I think there are three things we all must do. Let’s look at them together.

Accept Where You Are
This sounds simple, but it is a pre-requisite to beginning again. In our First Place office Pat likes to say, “Wherever you go, there you are.” Well, here you are. What needs to get back on track in your life? Have your eating habits gone haywire? Maybe you’ve gained weight. This is not the time to beat up on yourself. This is where you are, but it’s not going to be where you stay. Is the spiritual balance you gain from a daily Bible study, prayer or Scripture memory just not happening? Stop and thank God right now that your First Place is starting again and you can quickly get the spiritual balance back that you might have lost during the summer.

Be Willing To Change
I don’t know about you; I am not only willing, but I long to get back where I was when summer began. So how do we change from where we are to where we want to be?

There are five little words that have the power to revolutionize our lives. DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING. These five words help me more than anything else to get back on track. What is the next right thing for you right now? Is it to get all the junk out of your pantry so you can concentrate on healthy eating again? Is it to straighten up the place where you have your quiet time so you are prepared to meet with God? All change begins when we become willing to DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING.

Call On God
God wants to help us get back on track and His phone number is Jeremiah 33:3, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Stop what you are doing and ask God to help you. I promise you that He will do it. How do I know? I have gotten off track more times than I care to mention and every single time I asked for God’s help, He heard me and came through for me in might and power.

Praise God that when we get off track, we don’t have to stay that way. We can get back on track this very minute.


  1. Oh, thank you so much for this! I am struggling...I know god is the to call...do the next right thing--love it!

  2. Carole, I love the "Do the next right thing" quote. Since getting the FP4H group starter kit Saturday, I've been reading through your book, "First Place 4 Health", and came across that. It's as good as "Get on the bus"!

    As a participant in AARP's Fat 2 Fit community group, I began a string encouraging folks to share a health tip in 5 words - there have been about 75 responses, and some incredible, creative ideas. I'm going to share the "Do the next right thing", and will credit you for the source.

    I'm looking forward to becoming more knowledgeable and involved with the FP4H program!

    Smiles for the miles, Ann

  3. Thank God for your faithfulness and willingness to share the truth Carole/ I am asking God to help me get back on track with the discipline of healthy eating. I know He'll come through as you mentioned. Ou FPFH group resumes 9/23...YEAH!!!


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