Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 5 Media Tour

Today was a great day. Me and my luggage are together again and all is well. I had a fun experience today with my taxi driver. The driver that came this morning at 6:30 to take me to the studio was a believer who has been driving a cab for 41 years. He is really hurting financially because he doesn't get a lot of calls in Gwinnet county where I was staying. I just contracted to keep him all day and he was wonderful. We shared about the Lord and his good ness and he blessed me and I pray that I blessed him too. He ended up taking me to the airport so today was a good one for him. I really believe God sent him to me so he could make some money today.!

My first interview was at the In Touch Ministry headquarters and I was on Family Net. The interview went really well and instead of 12 minutes they gave me an additional 5 minutes. We had a couple of call ins so that was fun. After the interview, the taxi took me back to the hotel where I had breakfast and waited for the 2 p.m. interview.

The second interview was taped and will be shown at a later date so it was over in 20 minutes and I set off for the airport where I am right now waiting to board the plane for Tampa. I have one more show in the morning at 10 a.m. and then catch a plane back to Houston at 2:25. I can hardly wait! I miss Johnny, my office and my bed.

I'm still glad I did it this way but it has been a hard trip. I counted up and I have been on 9 planes this trip. If I don't get swine flu it will be a miracle! People in the airport here in Atlanta are wearing masks; don't know if they already have it or if they are afraid they'll get it.

Johnny used to wear a mask on the plane to California because it scared people and they would give us the entire row! Wish I had a mask today; I could lay down and take a nap on the plane.

Thank you all for praying. I wouldn't have made it without your prayers.

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