Sunday, April 26, 2009

Media Tour Day 1

Well I'm on the first day of my media tour and it has been a doozey! I left Houston at 10:30 this morning and flew to St. Louis. Since I had a 3 hour layover I did a good bit of walking before I caught my flight to Marion, Illinois at 3 p.m. Now I have flown a lot but this is the first time that one of the pilots doubled as the gate person and flight attendant! The plane was small with only four passengers on board and it was so noisy that I conked out for the entire 30 minute flight to Marion. Cathy, the lady who will be interviewing me tomorrow picked me up at the airport and deposited me at the hotel. It is a beautiful. sunny, windy day here in Marion so I quickly changed clothes to go for a walk to see the sights.

I found a Sally's Beauty Supply where I stopped in a bought a new brush and a Dollar Tree where I bought some cards. Actually, I bought 6 thank you cards I was going to send to the TV shows, 2 Administrative Assistant cards (which I missed acknowledging last week) and a College graduation card for my Grandson-in-law Michael.

I left the Dollar Tree and was heading over to walk around in Wal Mart when I had the bright idea to combine my two sacks. The wind was blowing so hard that when I opened one of the sacks the other one fell out of my hand and every one of my greeting cards and envelopes went flying all over the street and parking lot. I hadn't brought my purse so my hotel card key, two credit cards, a twenty dollar bill and 14 dollars in bills from the Dollar Tree flew out of the sack and into the street. I didn't know what to pick up first so I left my credit cards and room key in the street while I ran and retrieved what I thought were all the cards and money.
After I got back to my hotel room I found that I was minus 2 cards, 4 envelopes and the cards I saved looked like they had been through a hurricane! A couple of the cards had tire tracks from being run over by passing cars. My $20 bill was missing as was the quarter I had found on the street while walking. This was an expensive little walk.

After retrieving my stuff I sat on the curb putting everything into one sack and now my arms and legs are itching. Sure hope there weren't chiggers in the field I walked across. It's only 7 p.m. but I think I'll shower and turn in. Day 2 will have a hard time topping day 1.


  1. Duh, wind and plastic bags don't mix. :) Of course you know that now. I'm praying you have a wonderful trip with lots of good publicity for First Place. We'll
    miss you in class, but Pat and I will take care of everyone.

  2. Thanks, Martha. Yes that bag filled up with air and just sucked everything out!


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