Monday, May 5, 2014

Cooking at Home is Always Healthier...right?

Check out these three things that you could be doing that undermine that idea.

1. Using Too Much Oil
It’s no secret that oil packs a lot of calories—an average of about 120 calories per tablespoon. Some recipes call for an exact amount, but many call for a "thin coating" of oil in the pan. But what exactly is a thin coating? Enough oil to just glaze the pan or half an inch? It’s always a good idea to measure oil, even if a recipe suggests you just estimate how much you need. No measurement in your recipe? Start with a tablespoon and swirl it around. If it coats your pan, then it’s probably enough. Also note that if you’re using a nonstick pan, you can use less oil than if you were using a regular stainless-steel skillet.

2. Eyeballing Ingredients
You might think you have a good idea of what a teaspoon of salt looks like or what a cup of pasta might be or a pound of meat might look like. But it’s always a good idea to measure—even if you’ve made the recipe before. Overestimating calorie-rich ingredients like pasta, oil and meat can really increase the calorie count of your meal. Keep those measuring spoons and cups handy, and invest in a good kitchen scale to ensure accurate calorie counts

3. Ignoring Serving Sizes
If you’re counting calories, chances are you picked your recipe based on the nutritional breakdown. That’s a great start—but be sure to note the serving size! Some recipes simply divide the total calories by the number of servings to provide calories per serving. Other recipes may give you an exact measure per serving, such as a 1 1/2-cup serving of soup, for example. It’s best to break out those trusty measuring cups and spoons so you don’t over- (or under-) estimate portion size.

Are you sabotaging your weight loss with any of these?  Share your thoughts, tips, ideas below in the comments or on our Facebook page -

Shameless Plug - You can find a great 5-in-1 measuring spoon in the FP4H online store! -

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