Friday, January 17, 2014

Carole Lewis Retires From First Place 4 Health after 33 Years in Ministry

Carole Lewis, National Director of First Place 4 Health, has retired after 33 years in ministry.   Under Carole's leadership, FP4H has been used in over 12,000 churches nationwide and internationally with over a half a million members.  Carole has also authored 15 books, led conferences and is an in-demand speaker around the country. 

Pam Farrel, author of 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make, Woman of Confidence and LOL with God, says, “Carole Lewis in one of the most positive women I know. Any woman who has overcome the loss of a child, loss of her home in a hurricane, loss of her parents, and lives with a dear husband with stage 4 cancer and still smiles and laughs with friends, family and with God is a woman I want to listen to and go to when I need hope! Carole has been there in the middle of the unwelcome, unwanted and unpredictable and has found her way to hope and she will lead you to that precious hopeful place too.”  

As an author, Carole might appreciate her essence being portrayed as someone who has "already read the back of the book and knows who wins."  That's how David Self, executive pastor at Houston's First Baptist Church, describes Lewis.  "In the New Testament there's a great deal of value put on perseverance," Self said. "It's the idea we're going to have setbacks in this life, but in the end, we'll have victory. Every time I talk to Carole, I'm reminded how no matter what, she keeps going, because she has the finish line in sight." 
Dear to Carole's heart is the First Place 4 Health prison ministry which provides materials to those incarcerated that would like to improve their health and grow closer to God.  She plans to continue that effort as well as write and speak.

Carole's retirement will be celebrated with a gala event in Houston, Texas, on July 26th at 7:00 PM, in the Junior League of Houston Ballroom.  Reservations are required.   For more information, go to
Vicki Heath has been selected as the new National Director of First Place 4 Health.  She has been involved in First Place 4 Health for many years and has led both adult and teen groups at her church. Vicki works closely with all of our First Place 4 Health Networking Leaders as they network together to get new groups started in every state. She speaks at First Place 4 Health conferences and events and leads fitness classes at our Wellness Weeks each year.

1 comment:

  1. I know that Carole will be mudarse at fiesta placer anda that she wil never retire frontal being a difference maker!


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