One of the easiest ways to foster an attitude of
thankfulness is to create a thankfulness journal: a separate place to record
the simple everyday things for which you are grateful. Even though you already
make daily entries in a prayer journal or spiritual diary, keeping a thankfulness
journal is an essential exercise to develop a heart that gives thanks in all
circumstances. Unlike other forms of journal writing, a thankfulness journal is
for the specific purpose of recording the things for which you are thankful. It
serves as both an acknowledgment of what God has done for you and as a daily
challenge to look for things to be thankful for, even on bad days. Perhaps keeping
a written list of “What I am thankful for today” seems too simplistic to be
effective, yet studies have proven the positive impact of maintaining a
thankfulness journal. Researchers have discovered that those who keep
thankfulness journals on a daily basis exercise more regularly, have fewer
health problems, make greater progress toward important personal goals,
experience less depression, handle stress more effectively and have more energy
and vitality. They even sleep better at night!
Here are some basic steps to help you get started.
Start It Now. Any kind of notebook will do for a
thankfulness journal. The important thing is that your gratitude pages are
bound together and kept in a safe place rather than randomly scribbled on loose
pieces of paper scattered here and there. Some folks like to decorate the cover
of their thankfulness journal; others like to draw pictures that describe the
things and events for which they are thankful. A stationery store, an arts and
crafts retailer or scrapbook supply store will have ideas for customizing your
journal. The more unique and personal the pages, the more likely you are to
visit the journal consistently. Most people find that they want enough space in
their journal to record two to three month’s worth of gratitude affirmations.
Keep It Simple.
Unlike other spiritual journals, a thankfulness journal is not a place to
process your feelings, cry out in lament or pour out your heart to God. The
whole purpose of a thankfulness journal is to thank God for blessing you in ways
too numerous to adequately recount. The pages will consist largely of one or
two sentence statements beginning with “I am thankful for . . .” You can add drawings,
mementos or small photographs to enrich your simple words. Try using colored
pencils to add color and texture, or experiment with stickers or glitter. Your
creativity is a precious gift from God that you are called to use in expressing
your thankfulness to Him. Place a Scripture heading at the top of each day’s
page to remind you exactly Who you are thanking. Searching the Scriptures for
thankfulness verses each day and committing some of those verses to memory will
play a key role in developing a lifestyle of thankfulness.
Keep It Private.
This is your journal, with your personal thoughts recorded for your benefit and
God’s glory. If you write thinking that others might read your words, you will
tend to write what you want them to hear! You can share your thoughts with
trusted others, but the pages of this sacred journal are intended for your eyes
only. God, who sees what you write on these private pages, will reward you (see
Matthew 6:6).
Keep It Honest.
Only you and God are going to see what is written on these pages, so there is
absolutely no reason to exaggerate, minimize or force your feelings. List only
those things for which you are genuinely grateful. God knows your thoughts
before you even write them on the page (see Psalm 139:4). This is not a place
for pious platitudes or lofty idealism. Heart-felt gratitude is always about
the truth as it applies to your life in the present moment.
Keep It Personal.
Comparisons and judgments have no place in your thankfulness journal. This
journal is about you and your relationship with God, not about your neighbors.
Remember, the Pharisee whom Jesus criticized prayed, “God, I thank you that I
am not like all other men” (Luke 18:11). We never need to fill our cup of
thankfulness by devaluing another human being or feeding our ego at another’s
expense. Gratitude is about giving thanks to God for the wonderful things He
has done for us, not telling Him what wonderful things we have done for Him.
Keep It Specific.
Rather than writing generalized statements such as, “I am thankful that God is
faithful,” write about a specific instance that reminded you of God’s
faithfulness. Perhaps you saw or heard something today that brought God’s
loving-kindness to memory. For example, rather than being thankful for the sun,
write about how the sun touched your skin and brought warmth to your soul.
Keep It God-Affirming.
We should only be grateful for sources of health and healing, never for
anything that erodes our relationship with God, damages His creation or harms
our neighbor. Likewise, we can never be truly thankful for anything that
offends God’s Holy Spirit who resides in our heart, or that destroys our body,
His earthly temple (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). With this in mind, you can use
your thankfulness journal as a type of accountability partner. Ask yourself,
“Is this something I can write about in my thankfulness journal?” If the answer
is no, then it is not a beneficial endeavor.
Keep It Consistent.
Make adding entries to your thankfulness journal a daily habit. Begin by
writing down five simple pleasures for which you are thankful each morning when
you first wake up. Before you go to bed that night, record another five things
for which you are thankful. Five each morning, five each evening—seven days a
week. Perhaps you are thinking, I couldn't possibly find 70 things to be thankful
for each week! Remember, we are training our minds to develop a lifestyle of
thankfulness. We must fight the scarcity mentality that makes us fear that we
will not have enough thankfulness to write 70 “I am thankful” sentences each
week. Just write down five in the morning and five in the evening today and
trust that there will be five in the morning and five in the evening tomorrow.
Review It Often. Reread
your thankfulness entries often, especially on days when you need to be
reminded of God’s faithful love. Once a month, carve out time to read all 280-plus
entries that you made during the month and bask in the warmth of God’s love and
care. As you notice a gradual shift in your outlook and attitude, be sure to
thank God for that too. Each time you thank God, He will give you even more
reasons to thank Him! You will be amazed at how God will bring health and
healing as you faithfully practice giving Him thanks in all circumstances. God
delights in those who delight in Him, and He showers them with His abundant
“You are my God, and I will give you thanks.” PSALM 118:28